This Willie Park Jr, transitional brassie short spoon has a 39" original greenheart shaft. The shaft is stamped Wm Park as is the crown of the head. The sole is shod with a full brass plate. The grip is original. The finish on the head and the splice whipping are also original. A VERY nice club by the highly revered two-time Open champ Willie Park Jr.
Willie was born and raised with quite a golf pedigree, as his father Willie Park Sr had been one of Scotland's top golfers—a four-time Open champ—as well as a gifted club and ballmaker. Park Jr not only grew to follow in both of those footsteps, but he also made quite a name for himself also as an Open champion and as a golf course architect--becoming world renowned as one of the best. He was even inducted into the Golf Hall of Fame in 2013.
This club is in the middle of the accompanying group image.