Dating to March of 1912, Walter Cannon's British patent (No. 7,365) covered an iron that was not only eliptical in shape, but it had a pointed toe, just like the 37" all original mashie niblick made by William Winton and offered here. Cannon had a bunch of reasons why the elliptical shape of his iron would make a better golf club, and one can read them in TCA2 v1 p566.
Suffice it to say that it had to do with a better way to weighting and balance a clubhead that would provide absolutely amazing benefits to the golfer! In addition! he rounded sole would increase accuracy and "not drag, burrow or twist on touching the ball." Instead it would drive the ball "squarely so that it revolves uniformly on a horizontal diameter and thus runs truly without any side spin." Yes! You need this club!!
This club is easily recognized in the accompanying group image.