One of the most sought after
antique golf clubs, the Spalding Kro-Flite double waterfall Dedstop iron
has a wavy pattern of large corrugated grooves on its face. This rare
club was offered only in Spalding's October 5, 1919 catalog. According
to the patent issued to William F. Reach, the wavy lines would allow the
golfer to impart a great deal of backspin to both a direct stroke and
cut shots. This is a registered patent model with the date included on the back of the head. The head, 37 3/16" shaft and leather-wrapped grip are original. The
head has been nicely cleaned, but some of the lettering has faded on the sole and back due to the traditional practice of cleaning clubs with emery cloth back in the day.
TCA2 Vol 1, p. 274-275.