Braid won the British Open 5 times between 1901 and 1910. He was
of the Great Triumvirate, along with Harry Vardon and J.H. Taylor. Braid
went on to design or alter/remodel some 411 golf courses. Braid was a
genuine legend in his own day, and this cleek was once his, bearing his
name on both head and shaft.
Here are the facts about this club. Robert Condie forged the head.
Condie's cleekmark and "Warranted Hand Forged" are centrally stamped on
the back of the blade. The toe bears what is unquestionably an owner's
stamp that reads "J. Braid." The shaft is a reshaft, as it does not fit
flush to the top of the hosel. Directly below the grip, the shaft is
stamped "Jas Braid". Again, this is not the normal Braid stamp found on
clubs he endorsed, etc.
The only reason that this club would not be one of Braid's personal
clubs is if the stamps were added in recent years in order to make a
club worth far more that it would otherwise be worth. An examination of
the Braid stamp on the back of the head reveals that the stamp is old,
and not of recent origin. The letters are worn thin, with the bottom of
the last three letters no longer visible. The patina on the head is old
and untouched. Furthermore, the corrosion/pitting found on the back of
the head affects portions of letters (the pitting is in the letters and
not visa versa). The shaft stamp is also good. It matches the period of
the club to perfection. Both of the Braid stamps were made from
complete name dies, indented into the club by a single hammer blow. The
hallmark of a clubfaker's work is letters that don't line up, such as
when letters are stamped individually. That and raised edges around
newly stamped letters, reworked finishes, and other anomalies.
To further support the originality of the Braid stamps on this club,
this club was acquired no later than 2006 by a gentleman who has long been a
member of the Walton Heath Golf Club, where Braid was the professional
for forty-five years. The gentleman lives roughly 400 yards away from
Braid's former home.
The grip appears to be original, but it is a little loose. Overall,
this cleek is wonderful club. It has a nice old patina and presents
well. This lot offers the collector a chance to own one of James
Braid's own clubs. A letter of authenticity from the auctioneer will
accompany this club when sold.