Produced under a December 3, 1894 British patent issued to Charles Playfair, this Braddell metalwood driver has a wood block set inside the middle of the head, directly behind the leather face. This original leather face is "keyed" into the face and top of the head, and nailed to the wood block directly behind it. The club was cleverly designed to provide the durabiliby of a metal head with the feel of wood. The sheepskin grip and shaft are original. The shaft was installed by Alex Patrick and is stamped "A Patrick, Leven, Maker". The head is in average condition with a fair bit of bag wear. The top of the head is stamped "Braddell / 4461 / Patent". The 4461 is a British patent number from 1894. Because the aluminum used to make these clubs is so soft, unmarred examples are exceptionally hard to find. TCA2 V1:337